Quality Soil Conditioner Now On Sale At Household Recycling Centres

Written by on July 5, 2011

Following feedback from people visiting Gloucestershire County Council’s Household Recycling Centres (HRCs), this soil conditioner is now for sale.
QSC is produced from household organic waste currently including all the food waste that is collected in the county.
At £2.50 for a 40 litre bag, QSC provides much needed nutrients for flower and vegetable beds, potting, turf and lawns.  It also increases plant resistance to pests and disease.
You can buy QSC at any of the five council-run HRCs, which are open every day (excluding Christmas Day and New Year’s Day) from 9am until 6.15pm.

County schoolchildren have been getting to grips with gardening with the help of Quality Soil Conditioner (QSC) produced in Gloucestershire from food and garden waste.
Benhall Infants gardening club has been using the soil improver for the past few weeks.
Wendy Richmond, headteacher of the school, said: “The gardening club at Benhall Infants has burst in to full bloom, thanks in no small part to the contribution of QSC to the amazing growth of our young bulbs and seedlings.
Find out more about QSC and the Gardening Club’s activities——>>Help your garden grow this summer

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