The “F Word” Exhibition’ In Gloucester Cathedral

Written by on November 2, 2011


Gloucester Cathedral will be the venue for “The F Word’, the Forgiveness Project Exhibition from 22 – 27 (except Thursday) November, during Prisons Week.  Sponsored by Positive Justice Gloucestershire.
Archbishop Tutu, a trustee of the Forgiveness Project, has, since student days, been a friend of Brian Oosthuysen, chair of Positive Gloucestershire and County Councillor for Rodborough.  Tutu sent Brain this message:
“We are most like God when we too are compassionate and forgiving. It is often not easy but the Forgiveness Project shows us amazing examples of forgiveness in very demanding situations. Those who forgive are human beings like you and me. Be inspired by these stories to be in your turn Godlike."

            ‘Forgiveness is the hardest word,’ claims the Forgiveness Project.  The exhibition features photographs and stories of a wide range of people from high profile political figures (including Jo Berry, daughter of Sir Anthony Berry who was killed by the IRA) to the sister of one of the West’s victims.  Each says how they understand forgiveness.

 Positive Justice Gloucestershire aims to:-
encourage the use of restorative and therapeutic practices within the criminal justice system, in order to reduce crime and its impact on victims.
act as a pressure group: balancing negative representations in the popular press, and raising public awareness of, and support for, positive initiatives within the criminal justice system, particularly alternatives to imprisonment where appropriate.
The Forgiveness Project.


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