Rhythm & Blues ‘Recession Special’

Written by on January 10, 2012



Rhythm & Blues ‘Recession Special’ this afternoon – a topical theme as the new year starts and with the GFM RECESSION PARTY 2012 on the horizon, we will have a listen to some of the old Bluesmasters’ take on this matter -(whilst realising it was far worse for our Bro & Sis in those days than it is for us today!)- for the first hour.
For the second hour; starting with some positive messages from the Swan Silvertones (& upbeat songs from Shirley & Lee); we will have the antidote – hopefully ending the second hour bouncing like we were all millionaires – ready to party hard this Saturday 14 Jan, whilst helping GFM to beat the recession & stay alive!
“Whatever your take on wealth, you can’t help but agree….
……that a lack of it helped produce some of the greatest blues music of all time.” (Extract from a CD’s liner notes)



Current track

