Author: Shaun Moore

Page: 10

Gloucestershire County Council has repaired more potholes in the past four months than in the whole of last year. Since January 25th, 38,918 potholes have been repaired in the county. In 2009 38,000 potholes were repaired in the entire year, with 25,000 repaired the year before. The prolonged freezing weather this winter caused severe damage […]

Work on the first ever digital drainage map in Britain is underway in Gloucestershire. Engineers from Gloucestershire Highways’ drainage team, working with contractor 365 Environmental Services, are collecting and storing data on the location, route and condition of the county’s drainage systems. The data is then recorded on a specially-designed digital system, the first of […]

Gloucestershire County Council is calling for more people to come forward to foster children of all ages particularly teenagers and siblings. The call coincides with the launch of Foster Care Fortnight (Monday 17th – Sunday 30th May) – a nationwide campaign organised by the Fostering Network to highlight the need for more foster carers in […]

Police in Gloucester are calling for information after an elderly woman fell victim to a thief in Abbeymead. The incident took place at around 11.30am on Wednesday, April 21 next to the traffic lights by Morrisons in Heron Way. The 81-year-old victim was approached from behind by the offender, who grabbed her black leather handbag/shoulder […]

Gloucester Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership (CDRP) will be talking to residents in High Street, Tredworth on Wednesday, May 12 to ask their views on life in the area. Officers from Gloucester City Council, Gloucestershire Constabulary, Neighbourhood Watch, Gloucester City Homes, Gloucestershire Housing Association and the Fire Service will join volunteers from the Crime Prevention […]

Break is a charity based in Sheringham, Norfolk. They have been caring for vulnerable adults, children and families for over 40 year. Part of their care is supported holidays for adults and children with learning difficulties and associated disorders at their Rainbow holiday centre in Sheringham. Break shops raise money to help vulnerable people from […]

“Afternoon, It’s Shaun Moore here pumped full of coffee and energy drinks….last night was a really interesting night Counting is about to begin here at Oxstalls Tennis Centre, All the results as they come in will be posted here.” Shaun Moore, Journalist     Gloucester City Election LIVE with Shaun Moore

Gloucester: Conservative win Richard Graham (C) 20,267 (39.92%) Parmjit Dhanda (Lab) 17,847 (35.16%) Jeremy Hilton (LD) 9,767 (19.24%) Mike Smith (UKIP) 1,808 (3.56%) Alan Platt (Eng Dem) 564 (1.11%) Bryan Meloy (Green) 511 (1.01%) Con maj 2,420 (4.77%) Notional 8.86% swing Lab to Con 8.86% boundary change Electorate 79,322; Turnout 50,764 (64.00%) 2005 notional: Lab […]

Gloucestershire County Council is on target to save more than £200,000 and cut carbon by almost 1,400 tonnes in the first year of its night lighting project. In February 2009, the council launched a scheme to turn off some street lights in rural areas and market towns between midnight and 5.30am. This was followed in […]

There’s a new face at the helm of Gloucestershire County Council’s roads team. Nigel Tomlinson will take over as Head of Gloucestershire Highways this week and among other things, he will be responsible for delivering the council’s repair programme Operation Road Rescue. With the repair bill for the winter damage likely to be in excess […]

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