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The titleof this weeks show is "How can we give back at Christmas?" Presented by Lady M & her Crew with guests Ciaran Murphy from Gloucester Nightstop and Anneliese Sterry from the Food Bank; they will be looking into ways people can give back to their community at Christmastime. Gloucestershire Nightstop is a charity […]
With Javinia and the Crew Sat Soup Sat 3rd December:- [replayed on Monday at 11am] Mobile Phones – A Blessing or Not! MON:— Councillor Mark Hawthorne leader of the County Council wants to hear from you regarding the Consultation on budgets taking place. Also H.M. Revenues and Customs will be in with […]
On Monday the 28th. January Rachael Stevens will be on Shaun Moore’s Afternoon Affair. Join him at 1 till 4 for this and all the other usual features, including ‘The Mystery Year’ – all in "Shaun Moore’s Afternoon Affair"
Sat Soup Sat 19th November:-——— Illuminate – Myths and Facts MON: —————————-Mohamed Ginwalla Welfare Rights Team Leader will be giving updates on benefits you can claim towards fuel bills and keeping warm this winter TUES: —————————Employment and Skills Co-ordinator from Gloucester Works will be in with her monthly jobs update Weds:—————————-Family Time […]
During the first hour of The Rhythm & Blues Show on Tuesday 15 November we will be taking a look at the beginnings of Stax Records and (of course) playing a few tunes from the era. Starting off by recording Country + Western & rockabilly, the company, originally calling itself ‘Satellite Records’ underwent a […]
Saturday Soup, 12th November:—–Man a bad Man! Or Not as the case may be MON:——- Pat Dabbs from City Council talking about Hate Crimes and alcohol awareness TUES:—— Martin Bruton from Trading Standards giving advice so you don’t get ‘conned’ this Christmas Weds:——-Family Time with Elder Saunders Thurs:——-Young People’s Show Shauna […]
In the South West, it is estimated that over 79,000 people are currently living with dementia, with 65 per cent of those without a formal diagnosis. In a new survey carried out for the Department of Health, caused concern – just over a third of people age 40 or more in the South West understand […]