Dispersal Order In Gloucester City Centre Extended

Written by on June 21, 2010

Gloucester City Centre Safer community Team (SCT) is extending a dispersal order covering the whole of the city centre to continue to tackle anti-social behaviour.

The order, which has been running for the last six months, was introduced in response to an increase in reports of groups entering the city centre and behaving in an anti-social way by intimidating local residents, shoppers and those visiting the pubs and clubs.

Before the dispersal order came in there had also been an increase in people drinking alcohol on the streets contrary to the Designated Public Place Order (DPPO), which makes it an offence for anyone to continue to drink alcohol when a police officer or Community Support Officer has asked them to stop.

The boundary area for the dispersal order remains the same as the DPPO. This includes the city centre from Barton Street to Pool Meadow in Westgate, and from Eastcourt Road down to Stroud Road.

The order allows police or Police Community Support Officers (PCSOs) to direct any groups of two or more to leave the area for 24 hours when they believe the behaviour of the group is likely to result in members of the public being harassed, alarmed or distressed.

Anyone who remains in the area or returns after being told to leave could find themselves in a police cell and facing a fine of up to £5,000 or up to three months imprisonment.

The order also prevents anyone under the age of 16 from being within the boundary covered by the dispersal order between 9pm and 6am unless with a parent or responsible person over the age of 18. Anyone under 16 found in the area may be taken home or to an alternative place of safety.

PC Mark Mansfield, of Gloucester SCT, said: “The dispersal order has been very successful so far – we have given out 70 tickets to disperse and crime has fallen.

“However, anti-social behaviour remains a policing priority and is still a persistant problem in certain parts of the dispersal area so this order will remain to help our officers deal effectively with any incidents that arise.

“We hope this action will continue to improve quality of life for those living in and visiting the city centre and make them feel confident we working to address the matter.

“We will of course be working with out partner agencies including Gloucester City Council and local residents to back it up with other measures where anti-social behaviour persists.”

The new six-month dispersal order comes into effect today, June 21. The order has been printed and placed in prominent places in the city centre and includes a map of the city with the dispersal order area marked in red.

Anyone who witnesses any anti-social behaviour in Gloucester city centre should contact Gloucestershire Constabulary on 0845 090 1234.

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