Gloucester MP helps silver surfers get online

Written by on March 1, 2010

MP Parmjit Dhanda joined a group of ICT novices from Gloucester Old People’s Centre Association on Friday (26 February) to see at firsthand how they are now embracing the digital age thanks to a new laptop and year’s free broadband connection from BT Community Connections.

The Association offers a relaxed drop-in service for elderly and disabled people. Many of the visitors to the group do not have much contact outside of their homes and the centre is a great place for them to interact and enjoy the company of others, as well as accessing resources from trained staff.

Most visitors to the centre have never used a computer before and were apprehensive about tackling technology. The BT award has allowed them to familiarise themselves with a laptop and to learn how to surf the internet at their own pace.

Beryl Sheppard, the group’s secretary, explained: “Many of the service users were initially quite hostile towards the new laptop saying that they ‘don’t have anything to do with modern things’. However, as they have seen members of staff using it, they have become more interested and are keen to have a go themselves. It’s great to be able to show everyone what the internet has to offer, even if it’s just finding out when the local DIY store or supermarket is open!”

Parmjit Dhanda MP, who saw the silver surfers in action, said: “The laptop and internet connection are a great resource. The internet allows centre visitors to access a host of vital information online which can be a real lifeline. It is inspiring to see the centre users overcoming their apprehensions and becoming more independent through digital technology.”

Jon Reynolds, BT regional director in the South West added: “Groups like the Gloucester Old People’s Centre Association really show that it’s never too late to learn new skills. Simply by providing this award BT has helped the group open up to a whole new world of possibilities. I’m pleased to confirm that several other organisations throughout the county have also benefited from the scheme.”

BT Community Connections targets community and charitable groups to allow them to get online and reap the huge benefits available through accessing the internet and information technology.

BT Community Connections operates across the UK and has already helped six million people who may never have plugged into the internet before.

Around a quarter of the UK’s population are lacking access, skills or the motivation to get online which can lead to missed opportunities in education and employment, as well as individuals and organisations losing out financially and socially.

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