Success of street offences team at Barton Street

Written by on March 1, 2010

The Street Offences Team based at Barton Street Police Station have notched up an impressive 500 arrests since they were formed in April 2009.

The team consists of five Officers under the name of Operation Barracuda who support the local Safer Community Team in providing a direct response to issues raised by the local community.

They have targeted those responsible for burglaries, robberies and drug dealing, which are all offences frequently raised by local residents as affecting their quality of life in the Barton Street area.

The team spend the majority of their time on patrol in the local area. They have established strong links with the community through their work in support of local neighbourhood priorities.

 Acting Sgt Lynn Northfield, who heads the team, said:”The Operation Barracuda team have been hugely successful in providing a service to the local community by targeting offenders relentlessly to reduce crime and enhance public confidence. I am looking forward to a second positive year working with the team.”

The team are already looking ahead to further success in the New Year and have a variety of operations planned to enhance the work already undertaken.

This includes working with the Safer Community Teams over key periods such as the school holidays, Halloween and Bonfire Night. Operation Barracuda continue to be a very positive addition to the policing team at Barton Street and are keen to build on their good work to date.

Anyone interested in getting involved in neighbourhood policing can come along to neighbourhood panel meetings where priorities are set, the details of future community based meetings are detailed on the Safer Community Team web pages for the Barton INA area.

If members of the public wish to make police aware of crime related problems in the Barton and Tredworth area they can contact the Safer Community Team at Barton Street police station in person, by phone on 0845 090 1234 or through the constabulary website via If callers wish to remain anonymous they can call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

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